We are no longer updating BlackBerry PlayBook version of Money Plus (as of version 1.4 which is the latest version available for PlayBook). 

The reason for this is that from version 2.0 onward it is written in C++/Cascades which is only available on OS10. BlackBerry decided not to make OS10 available for PlayBook. We have no resources to support two different versions of the same app. 

If you own a BlackBerry 10 device and are signed to your device with the same BlackBerry ID as to the PlayBook you can download Money Plus on BlackBerry 10 for free since you already purchased it on the PlayBook (we do not restrict on how many devices you can install as long as you are signed in with the same ID). 

In addition it is possible to import your data file backed up using PlayBook version of the application into BlackBerry 10 version. Please note that once database is imported to BlackBerry 10 version and upgraded it is no longer possible to import it back into PlayBook version as PlayBook does not support the new database structure used by BlackBerry 10 version.